Ecco la registrazione integrale del nostro incontro al Parlamento Polacco a Varsavia con le altre associazioni Europee che stanno lottando contro questi prodotti tossici legati al franco svizzero.
TuConFin c'era. Ed il nostro intervento è stato molto apprezzato.
L'unione e la rete fanno la differenza.
Dal minuto 14:46:
L'intervento si è tenuto in lingua inglese, il doppiaggio è ovviamente in Polacco.
Qui il testo del discorso con la relativa traduzione:
Versione Inglese:
"Goodmorning Everyone,
I rapresent TUCONFIN association, an Italian association that fights for protecting financial consumers. Here I’m, together with our president FRANCA BERNO and vice president SHEILA MENEGHETTI.
As first I thank you all organizators for the invitation.
TUCONFIN is an association composed exclusivly by subjects damaged from CHF Loans, in particular the association is taking care to defense mortgages subscribers damaged by Barclays Bank Plc.
The core of our association subscibed these products and since 2011 we are fighting for our rights.
These mortages in Italy have been published on the market since age 90 and we can count more than 10 000 families with this problem.
Moreover, this kind of mortgage has been released to people that woudn’t get access to different source of credit (like old people, young people, and families with mainly a single income).
People without any knowledge of financiary world with limited economic availability, even more restricted for proceeding in front of a court just after recognised their own problem.
In Italy the situation is very particular because the product and the contract itself speaks about a mortgage subscribed and declared just in EURO.
The Swiss Franc relationship is reported, in an ambiguous way just under the charapter about Interest, confusing the customer that just interest are related to forex trend.
The borrower discover to own an “hidden debt” just in the middle of mortgage (when most of interest part has been paid back) because the monthly rate start to increase rapidly OR when the borrower decide close the mortgage as incase of early repayment or when decides to change bank...
At this point ONLY the bank send to the borrower the real bill, despite the among of reimbursement, most of the time is equal or even more than the original amount borrowed with the mortgage itself many years earlier.
In Italy all judgments are all ongoing.
Outside the court, trough ABF (banking financial referee) we got many “victories” that confirm as void the clauses about CHF indexing in case of early remboursment, BUT, due of lack of executive power of this “referee” these decisions are not respected by banks that preferes to pay penalty fees.
The only way possible is to go in front of a court, but these processes are long and expensive.
The early judgments started in 2013 and everything is still ongoing.
Exists an order from the tribunal of Milano that about the “financial derivate” answers negativly to the borrower, but it confirm the absolut missing of clarity in the mortgage contract, the judge “advise” single judgments.
In Italy, compared to other European countries, up to now, this product has not considered as “financial derivate” but as a loan in Swiss Frank.
Generally banks that disbourse this kind of product “armor” and hide their balance and miss to demostrate the real among of swiss frank they bought in relation of the same import borrowed in EURO.
So, nobody can really tell or prove that we are paing a real loan in Swiss Frank.
During the time, have been already submitted many parliamentary questions both to Italian and European Parlamient.
Replies confirm the lack of trasparency and shown as many fines have been applied to these banks, that despite of everything continue to pretend that nothing happened.
In the meantime our association is working with media in order to inform consumers, we are involving the government and ask to activate and apply the existing legislation and amplify our voice in up to Europe.
Many Italian parliamentary took charge of our reason: Senator Moronese, Honourable Member Casson, Honourable Member Rubinato, Europarlamentare Zanonato, they are helping us to bring our cause to public discusson and promote an action in Europe.
We are organising in order to promote a class action with final purpose to get justice and give a relief on the whole Italian CHF borrower community.
About this last action we are working very hard because the law itself set as mandatory high costs for average people, moreover the low affects borrowers since 2010 and further only, excluding so “de facto” most of consumers.
We ask that in Italy will be applied the same European legislation about bancary transparency on this kind of forex loans, without force customers to start a formal judgment against the bank, and give a way out to all consumers to close these mortages without damage customers or set in a state of perennial debt or even push simple worker to suicide.
Thank you all for your attention."